


Mantic Games has come a long way from their initial start as a source of alternative budget miniatures for other gaming systems. Led by the flagship game Kings of War, Mantic now produces miniatures and rulesets in a variety of settings from The Walking Dead to fantasy battles, scifi miniatures, and dungeon crawlers.

Kings of War: Vanguard is the fantasy warband skirmish game set in the Kings of War universe, allowing generals to field small units or raiding parties on tactical missions ahead of the main armies.

KoW: Vanguard is the fantasy skirmish game set in the Kings of War universe

Introduction from Mantic Games


Vanguard recreates cinematic, brutal skirmishes between small warbands of handpicked fighters, set in the same universe as our hugely popular Kings of War wargame. Players carefully select their squad of characters then fight it out to complete life or death missions - that can help turn the tide in the battle to come!

Kings of War: Vanguard Abyssal Warband

These can be played as one-off narrative missions between elite fighting forces, but Vanguard is also fully compatible with your larger games of Kings of War. By linking battles in Vanguard to your mass battles, thanks to the innovative interlinked campaign system, victory in Vanguard could mean you’ll gain access to better magical artefacts, new units or even the chance to deploy in better positions. Meanwhile, defeat could force your units to arrive late or your deployment options will be hampered.

Kings of War Vanguard Factions Scroll

Kings of War Vanguard Abyssal MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Abyssal Dwarfs MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Basilea MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Dwarf MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Elves MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Empire of Dust MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Forces of Nature MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Goblins MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Nightstalkers MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Northern Alliance MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Ogres MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Orcs MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Trident Realm MiniaturesKings of War Vanguard Undead Miniatures

  • Kings of War: Vanguard Goblins Banggit Kings of War: Vanguard Goblins Banggit

    Kings of War: Vanguard Goblins Banggit

    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $15.00
    THG Price: $12.99
    Despite how short-lived a Banggit's career can be, Goblin society never seems to have a shortage of explosive-obsessed volunteers.CONTENTSBoom! Shake, shake, shake the... battlefield. The Banggit is here to bring some spectacular (and incredibly...
    MSRP: $15.00
    THG Price: $12.99
  • Kings of War: Vanguard Abyssal Dwarf Infernox Kings of War: Vanguard Abyssal Dwarf Infernox

    Kings of War: Vanguard Abyssal Dwarf Infernox

    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $25.00
    THG Price: $19.99
    The origins of the beings known as Infernox are a dark mystery. Some claim that the abhorrent fusion of dwarf, golem & technology is a punishment bestowed by the Iron-caster upon those who earn their ire. More troubling rumours suggest that some Abyssal...
    MSRP: $25.00
    THG Price: $19.99
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    Kings of War Ogre Matriarch Kings of War Ogre Matriarch

    Kings of War Ogre Matriarch

    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $18.00
    THG Price: $14.99
    The Matriarch is a deeply respected figure in Ogre society. Often acting as captains or even warlords, they are great thinkers & strategists, & more than competent warriors. Many a foe has found this out to their extreme disadvantage.CONTENTS- 1 resin...
    MSRP: $18.00
    THG Price: $14.99
  • Kings of War Undead Goreblight Kings of War Undead Goreblight

    Kings of War Undead Goreblight

    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $18.00
    THG Price: $14.99
    Necromancy is a process of trial & error. For every successful reanimation, there are countless failures that blight the land, living out a painful half-existence. Some, more enterprising Necromancers will suture those failures still moving together,...
    MSRP: $18.00
    THG Price: $14.99
  • Kings of War: Vanguard Kuzlo & Madfall Kings of War: Vanguard Kuzlo & Madfall

    Kings of War: Vanguard Kuzlo & Madfall

    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $20.00
    THG Price: $16.99
    On the battlefield the combination of Kuzlo's unpredictable magic & Madfall's even more unpredictable tendency to eat anyone that gets too close is a dangerous one... to foes & allies alike.CONTENTSThis set contains a skilled Mercenary for your Faction...
    MSRP: $20.00
    THG Price: $16.99
  • Kings of War: Vanguard Forces of Nature Gladewalker Druid Kings of War: Vanguard Forces of Nature Gladewalker Druid

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    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $13.00
    THG Price: $10.49
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    MSRP: $13.00
    THG Price: $10.49
  • Kings of War: Vanguard Goblin Support Pack: Winggit Kings of War: Vanguard Goblin Support Pack: Winggit

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    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $45.00
    THG Price: $37.99
    A seemingly random jumble of wood, metal & bloody-minded goblin determination, the Winggit is a contraption that really shouldn't be able to take off the ground. But when it does, it provides an eye in the sky & rains bombs upon its foes.CONTENTS- 1...
    MSRP: $45.00
    THG Price: $37.99
  • Kings of War: Vanguard Trident Realm Riverguard Dambuster Kings of War: Vanguard Trident Realm Riverguard Dambuster

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    Mantic Entertainment

    MSRP: $25.00
    THG Price: $19.99
    When the rivers under the protection of the Trident Realm are encroached upon by humans, dwarfs, or elves, the Riverguard deploy their heavy cavalry. These giant amphibians are tremendously strong; able to leap over dam walls & lay waste to these...
    MSRP: $25.00
    THG Price: $19.99