Mantic Entertainment

Firefight Plague Bursters - Backorder

  • Firefight Plague Bursters
  • Firefight Plague Bursters
  • Firefight Plague Bursters
THG Price: $29.99



This product is a presale. Presale items are not currently in stock but are on order with the supplier, or in some cases will be ordered to fulfill your purchase. Presale items are provided for sale for your convenience and to benefit from promotions that we may run from time to time. We typically place restock orders at the beginning of every week, with orders shipping to us usually later that week, thus these items usually arrive within 1-2 weeks. Please note, however, that given the current state of logistics and supply, our restock order could be pushed back or delayed.


Those lucky -- or unlucky -- enough to survive an encounter with a Plague Lord may become one of the Stage 2 infected known as a Burster. Once they are within range of a viable host, these bloated beings release streams of contagious organic matter, infecting an apparently unlimited number of victims. Even at a distance, Bursters pose a threat -- enemy fire has often been reported to cause Stage 2 Bs to explode, sending out great showers of contagious gore and infecting any organism unfortunate enough to be in proximity.


- 2 resin Plague Bursters

- 2 40mm round MDF bases

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