Mantic Entertainment

Terrain Crate Xenos Stronghold - Backorder

  • Terrain Crate Xenos Stronghold
  • Terrain Crate Xenos Stronghold
  • Terrain Crate Xenos Stronghold
  • Terrain Crate Xenos Stronghold
THG Price: $34.99



This product is a presale. Presale items are not currently in stock but are on order with the supplier, or in some cases will be ordered to fulfill your purchase. Presale items are provided for sale for your convenience and to benefit from promotions that we may run from time to time. We typically place restock orders at the beginning of every week, with orders shipping to us usually later that week, thus these items usually arrive within 1-2 weeks. Please note, however, that given the current state of logistics and supply, our restock order could be pushed back or delayed.


Terrain Crate is Mantic Games' premium range of terrain and scenery appropriate for 28mm scale tabletop miniature games. This set of alien walls and tech is perfect for creating thematic environments for both wargames tables and RPG adventures. Beware the alien portal... who knows what lies on the other side! Contains 18 pieces of detailed and ready-to-paint PVC terrain.

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