Mantic Entertainment

Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster - Backorder

  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster
  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster
  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster
  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster
  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster - Backorder
  • Deadzone Mazon Labs Senior Managment Booster - Backorder
MSRP: $20.00
THG Price: $16.99
— You save $3.01



This product is a presale. Presale items are not currently in stock but are on order with the supplier, or in some cases will be ordered to fulfill your purchase. Presale items are provided for sale for your convenience and to benefit from promotions that we may run from time to time. We typically place restock orders at the beginning of every week, with orders shipping to us usually later that week, thus these items usually arrive within 1-2 weeks. Please note, however, that given the current state of logistics and supply, our restock order could be pushed back or delayed.


Despite the disaster beneath the surface of Eiras, the management of that complex remain some of Mazon Holdings' most vital assets. Mazon Life's advanced bio-engineering has kept both the stoic Commander Graves and genius Dr. Koyner alive and infiltrating or even instigating Deadzones to further Mazon's nefarious goals. Accompanied by an Organic Data unit to retrieve critical data for future research, these combat veterans are not to be underestimated.


- 1 Dr. Lukas Koyner

- 1 Neuro Linked Chovar

- 1 Guard Commander Graves

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