Moonster Games

Moonster Games RYU

  • Moonster Games RYU
  • Moonster Games RYU
  • Moonster Games RYU
  • Moonster Games RYU
THG Price: $18.99


The ancient prophecy is coming true and now it's only a matter of time before the dragon of legend appears. Please RYU by constructing a statue in his image. Players take on the roles of one of five different races struggling to be the first to complete their homage to the dragon and win his favor. Throughout the game players will travel across the nine islands that make up the land of Titan exploring, prospecting and collecting various remains of dragons for use in the construction of their statue. A randomly set up board and unique drafting mechanic raise the tension. CONTENTS - 5 wooden dragons, white cube, 8 of each (blue, orange and purple) cubes, 24 yellow cubes, fabric bag, 5 screens, 14 land tiles, 25 dragon tiles, influence tokens, exploration tokens, 1 rulebook.

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