Kings of War Dwarf Army Standard Bearer - Backorder (Mantic Direct)
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99MANTIC DIRECTThis product is a Mantic Direct item. Mantic Direct items are prepared to order by Mantic and are typically not held in stock. Upon purchase, we will place an order for you with Mantic for delivery when next available. Mantic typically...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Battle Driller
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99The Dwarf Miners Guild has long used technological innovations to aid in its excavations. Some members of the guild take their drilling devices into battle, charging them into the enemy ranks with spectacularly unpredictable results.CONTENTS- Metal...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Berserker Troop w/ Command - Backorder (Mantic Direct)
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99MANTIC DIRECTThis product is a Mantic Direct item. Mantic Direct items are prepared to order by Mantic and are typically not held in stock. Upon purchase, we will place an order for you with Mantic for delivery when next available. Mantic typically...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Flame Belcher
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99The Dwarf Flame Belcher contains one metal and plastic Dwarf Flame Belcher War machine with Crew for your fantasy battle wargames and dioramas.Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ironguard Troop - Backorder (Mantic Direct)
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99MANTIC DIRECTThis product is a Mantic Direct item. Mantic Direct items are prepared to order by Mantic and are typically not held in stock. Upon purchase, we will place an order for you with Mantic for delivery when next available. Mantic typically...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ironguard w/ Command
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $42.50THG Price: $34.99When a dwarf lord goes to war, he does so surrounded by his personal guard and military advisors. Most of his retinue are Ironguard -- handpicked warriors and sworn protectors of the dwarf lords. Chosen from the toughest and most experienced fighters,...MSRP: $42.50THG Price: $34.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf King w/ Axe
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99The noble rulers of Dwarf-kind come from ancient lineages and inspire utter devotion in their people. With a lifetime of warmongering behind them, and bearing magical rune-encrusted weapons and armor, they are mighty warriors in their own right.CONTENTS-...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ranger Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99Rangers are the scouts of the Dwarf army, heading out of the Dwarf Holds and into the wilderness in search of those that can bring war to the Dwarf Kingdom. They carry an assortment of ranged and combat weapons to suit all situations, forgoing armor with...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Warsmith (Classic) - Backorder (Mantic Direct)
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99MANTIC DIRECTThis product is a Mantic Direct item. Mantic Direct items are prepared to order by Mantic and are typically not held in stock. Upon purchase, we will place an order for you with Mantic for delivery when next available. Mantic typically...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Mega Army
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $165.00THG Price: $134.99When a Dwarf Hold goes to war, there are few who can stand against it. Huge artillery pieces and legions of sharpshooters whittle away at the foe from range, before ranks of doughty warriors and frenzied berserkers fall on the remainder and smash them...MSRP: $165.00THG Price: $134.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Army
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $89.99Short in stature but as unyielding as the mountains themselves, the Dwarfs are a proud and noble people who attach a great deal of importance to heritage and custom. It is a naïve opponent indeed who does not acknowledge the Dwarf talents for war...MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $89.99 -
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Kings of War: Vanguard Dwarf Flame Priest
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99Dedicated to Fulgria, the Goddess of White Fire, the mysterious Flame Priests are able to harness and channel fire into weaponry. They use their knowledge to destroy as the dwarf Warsmiths use the same powers to create masterworks of metal and...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War Forces of Nature Greater Earth Elemental
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $60.00THG Price: $47.99Bound by the sheer willpower of Druids, Elementals are raw energy bound into a physical shell. Earth Elementals are fluid, unnerving behemoths who surge across the battlefield with unnerving speed to engulf the foe.CONTENTSThis set contains 1 multi-part...MSRP: $60.00THG Price: $47.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Bombard
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99The Bombard was developed by the Dwarfs of Llyfanifeg, developed over several centuries to create the perfect siege artillery engine. It is a revolutionary weapon designed to be capable of either firing directly at the enemy like a cannon or to lob...MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Berserker Lord
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99Berserker Lords are fierce and brutal warriors, who are viewed with fear and awe in equal measure. They are always found in the thickest of fighting, slaughtering their way through the opposing force, seeking out the enemy's most powerful combatants for...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Steel Behemoth
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $80.00THG Price: $64.99These innovative fighting vehicles are powered by ingenious internal combustion engines fuelled by the black blood of the earth. Protected by thick metal plates and equipped with flame-spitting weaponry, they are a nightmare made manifest for the Dwarfs...MSRP: $80.00THG Price: $64.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Brock Riders Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99It is a long-held tradition that dwarfs prefer to keep their feet on solid ground, and for a long time they were one of the few fighting forces to not make use of cavalry. However, tradition is not something that can stand between Berserkers and a fight...MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Bulwarkers Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $50.00THG Price: $41.99Equipped with the heaviest armor available and long spears, these Dwarven Warriors actively seek enemy cavalry squadrons and place themselves in the way of their advance. Their excellent training allows them to get to the right position while still...MSRP: $50.00THG Price: $41.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ironwatch Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99Standing back and whittling down the enemy with some carefully-placed volleys before the fighting begins has long been a favourite tactic of the Dwarfs. Ironwatch regiments excel at firing in disciplined ranks, those at the front discharging their...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Warsmith
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99Able to commune directly with the spirit of any iron construct, the Warsmiths provide the Dwarfs with all of their most powerful weapons and engines of war. Unlike most of their kind, the Warsmiths are not hidebound by notions of tradition, which means...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War: Vanguard Dwarfs Mastiff Packmaster
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99Younger dwarfs often mock packmasters for work they consider to be beneath a warrior. Such mockery lasts only until the packmaster sets his charges loose -- a pack of purebred war dogs with sharp teeth & a taste for ankles.CONTENTSThis set contains...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War: Vanguard Dwarf Steel Juggernaut
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $20.00THG Price: $16.99Knorri Ironheart's personal battle armour, his Juggernaut, has divided opinion amongst the clan lords. Some have placed orders for their own personalised versions, or have their own engineers scrambling to copy the design. Others see it as an affront to...MSRP: $20.00THG Price: $16.99 -
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Kings of War Dwarf Stone Priest
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99The Stone Priests of the Dwarven holds control the primal power of their mountain homes, calling it to their side in battle to smash aside their foes.CONTENTSThis set contains 1 metal Dwarf miniature, including:- Two-handed hammer- 20mm baseMiniatures...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Sveri Egilax / Berserker Lord on Brock
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99Sveri Egilax is renowned throughout dwarfdom and beyond as one of the most dangerous warlords known to history, infamous for his random outbursts of monumental rage. Riding into battle atop his great mount Helbrokk, there is little that can stand in his...MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Herneas the Hunter
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99Herneas is a peerless expert in fieldcraft, a silent killer born of a long line of Rangers. Following the sacking of his hold, he now hunts the Abyssal Dwarves that slaughtered his kin, hoping one day to raise an army and return the favour.CONTENTSThis...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Shieldbreaker Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99Shieldbreakers are recruited from among the strongest of the Ironclad, swapping their axes and shields for great two-handed hammers that can crush armour and sunder shields. On the battlefield they act as hammer to the Ironclads' anvil, flanking engaged...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ironclad Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99Regiments of battle-hardened Dwarf Ironclads form the core units of a hold's army. They are tough, resilient and stubborn, presenting an unmoving shieldwall of impenetrable armour to the enemy. They specialise at weathering charges, letting the foe come...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Sharpshooter Troop
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99Armed with magnificent rifles capable of piercing the toughest armour over great distances, these Dwarf warriors are formidable indeed. Though composed mostly of older Dwarfs, it would be a mistake to assume that these units are any less capable than...MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99 -
Kings of War Dwarf Ironbelcher Cannon / Organ Gun
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $18.00THG Price: $14.99Dwarfs are masters at designing and forging engines of destruction, and no dwarf army is complete without a whole array of such machines spitting blackpowder-fuelled death into the enemy ranks. The most ancient and reliable is the Ironbelcher cannon,...MSRP: $18.00THG Price: $14.99 -
Kings of War Dwarfs / Forces of Nature Earth Elemental Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $45.00THG Price: $37.99Earth Elementals are a primal force of nature, risen from the ground by ancient rites and powerful magics. The very earth shudders under their footfalls when they march to war.CONTENTS- 3 multi-part resin Earth Elemental miniatures- Head and arm options-...MSRP: $45.00THG Price: $37.99