Kings of War Basilean Army (2025) - Preorder
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $99.99PREORDERThis is a preorder item with a release date of mid April 2025. Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity shown available for order reflects the quantity we have available for advance order. Please note that given the current situation...MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $99.99 -
Kings of War Basilean Heroes - Preorder
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $50.00THG Price: $44.99PREORDERThis is a preorder item with a release date of mid April 2025. Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity shown available for order reflects the quantity we have available for advance order. Please note that given the current situation...MSRP: $50.00THG Price: $44.99 -
Kings of War Basilean Paladin Knights Regiment - Preorder
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $42.99PREORDERThis is a preorder item with a release date of mid April 2025. Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity shown available for order reflects the quantity we have available for advance order. Please note that given the current situation...MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $42.99 -
Kings of War Basilean Mega Army (2025) - Preorder
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $165.00THG Price: $139.99PREORDERThis is a preorder item with a release date of mid April 2025. Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity shown available for order reflects the quantity we have available for advance order. Please note that given the current situation...MSRP: $165.00THG Price: $139.99 -
Kings of War Basilean Abbess w/ Koliskos
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99The spiritual leaders of the Sisterhood guide their warriors from the front. Setting amongst the enemy with a heavy flail or curved koliskos, they bring the light of the shining ones to those without faith.CONTENTS- 1 metal Basilean Abbess with Koliskos-...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $12.99 -
Kings of War Basilean High Paladin
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99The High Paladins, supreme warrior-priests of Basilea, armor themselves and take to the field alongside their Paladin brothers. They are powerful fighters, sustained by the unquenchable fire of faith and filled with a burning desire to smite all evil...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Basilean Sisterhood Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99Sisterhood are warriors that fulfil all the roles one could imagine, from bodyguard to siege engineers, but by far the most common are the mobile, lightly armored types, particularly those who have adopted the rule of Oredorus. Most of the orders eschew...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Paladin Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99Paladins are warriors beyond compare. Secure in their place in the afterlife, they are afraid of little other than dishonour. Even in times of peace, they spend hours each day in the practise of arms, both mounted and on foot.CONTENTS- 20 plastic resin...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $32.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Sisterhood Panther Lancer Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99Most famous of all the Sisterhoods are those who hail from Tarkis, once a small Basilean kingdom famed for its light warriors, and still famous for its Gur Panthers. Gur Panthers hate the scent of humans but can be trained to tolerate it; however, they...MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Army
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $89.99The pious warriors of Basilea march to war with the power of the gods at their backs. Angelic Elohi soar high above the battlefield, while the warrior-monks of the Paladins use their divine magic to heal the wounded and smite the wicked.CONTENTS- 30 hard...MSRP: $110.00THG Price: $89.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Ur-Elohi Samacris
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $24.99During the God War, Fotia, a Celestian was split into two as the result of a battle with the wicked Prykagia. By a great miracle, the two halves of the Celestian did not die. Instead, one half, representing the regenerating, cauterising, vengeful and...MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $24.99 -
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Kings of War Basilea Ogre Palace Guard Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $45.00THG Price: $37.99The interior of each prized suit of armour worn by the Ogre Palace Guard is painstakingly inscribed with the deeds of its previous occupants. It's little wonder that so many Ogre youths aspire to join the ranks of the Palace Guard, and that recovering...MSRP: $45.00THG Price: $37.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Men-at-Arms Regiment 2019
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99The backbone of Basilean forces, the Men-At-Arms are the largest, and most highly trained, standing army in Mantica. Most are armed with the 'Koliskos', a broad-bladed spear or the simple but effective 'Daga' swordCONTENTS20 hard plastic Men-At-Arms,...MSRP: $40.00THG Price: $33.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Phoenix
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $60.00THG Price: $47.99The phoenix is the symbol of Basilea: an emblem of rebirth, holy fire, and blazing fury. These semi-magical birds are summoned by the mages of Basilea to fight with the armies of the Hegemon. Phoenixes are vast birds of prey, part fire and part feather;...MSRP: $60.00THG Price: $47.99 -
Kings of War Basilea High Paladin on Dragon
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $55.00THG Price: $45.99The High Paladins are supreme warrior-priests of Basilea, sustained by the unquenchable fire of faith and filled with a burning desire to smite all evil from the face of the world. Normally they ride into battle on strongly built chargers, but in times...MSRP: $55.00THG Price: $45.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Elohi Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99The mightiest of all Basilea's warriors, the Elohi are the angels of the gods, sent from the top of mount Kolosu to protect the land the Shining Ones have chosen as their own. The Elohi are beautiful beyond mortal understanding, tall and free of blemish...MSRP: $35.00THG Price: $29.99 -
Kings of War Basilea War-Wizard
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99For Basileans, magic is an integral part of all walks of life, including battle. War-wizards, masters of fire and weather spells, wreak havoc upon the foes of Basilea with inferno and lightning. In particular, magic has been found to be a potent weapon...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Paladin Knight Regiment
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99Knight Paladins fight on fiery barded warhorses and are among the most feared cavalry units in all of Mantica. Armored in heavy, ornate plate armor, the Paladins exult in combat,nothing is more sacred to them than the blood of Basilea's enemies in the...MSRP: $47.50THG Price: $39.99 -
Kings of War Basilea High Priest Berosos / Priest on Foot
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99Berosos is the highest-ranking cleric of Basilea, a scholar, a sage, a historian and (most importantly) a holy man wielding incredible power. It is said that no ruler of Basilea can afford to ignore Berosos' counsel and no general can afford to make war...MSRP: $15.00THG Price: $11.99 -
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Kings of War Basilea Grand Master Gnaeus Sallustis
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $25.99Gnaeus Sallustis is the Grand Master of the order of Basilean Paladins. His appearance on the battlefield is bad omen for the enemies of Basilea, as no army he has lead has ever lost a battle. He rides into battle atop his gigantic Basilean lion --...MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $25.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Ur-Elohi Jullius
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $24.99Weaker individually, they are actually more powerful united, and their story is told as a parable of the passion and indestructibility of love, and of strength in unity, giving rise to sayings such as “You can't cut fire with a sword”,...MSRP: $30.00THG Price: $24.99 -
Kings of War Basilea Heavy Arbalest - Backorder (Mantic Direct)
Mantic Entertainment
MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99MANTIC DIRECTThis product is a Mantic Direct item. Mantic Direct items are prepared to order by Mantic and are typically not held in stock. Upon purchase, we will place an order for you with Mantic for delivery when next available. Mantic typically...MSRP: $25.00THG Price: $19.99