Games Workshop

Age of Sigmar Battletome: Sylvaneth (3rd)

  • Age of Sigmar Battletome: Sylvaneth (3rd)
  • Age of Sigmar Battletome: Sylvaneth (3rd)
  • Age of Sigmar Battletome: Sylvaneth (3rd)
THG Price: $46.75

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Presale items are expected to arrive within 2-3 weeks, but please note that given the current state of logistics and supply, our restock order could be pushed back or delayed, especially in the event that the presale item is showing out of stock on the Games Workshop webstore.


This 104-page hardback book contains:

- Background information on the Sylvaneth

- Artwork

- 25 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the spirits of Ghyran, from flitting Gossamid Archers and mounted Spiterider Lancers to the demigod Lady of Vines

- Rules for the 7 greatest Sylvaneth Glades and their 4 Seasons of War, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and battle traits like Places of Power and Verdant Blessings

- Path to Glory campaign rules that allow you to grow and spread your Wyldwood stronghold into a mighty forest, plus 5 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play

- Matched play content including 3 grand strategies and 5 battle tactics, as well as a Treelord-focused core battalion

- A showcase of stunning Sylvaneth miniatures in all the natural colours of their Glades, alongside guides on painting them yourself

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